Sometimes there are pictures like this that you just need a little more time to get used to. That was the case with Bobby, but at some point it worked itself out here too. 😄
I always find it very tiring when you have to think about every stroke whether it was right or not. The more intuitive the movements become, the easier it is to put the drawing on paper. 🥰
And that's exactly why I need some time for each picture. Sometimes it's enough to finish one ear before it starts to "flow", sometimes I have to finish half the head first and there are days when it doesn't work at all. But I don't want to let that unsettle me at all. ☺️
I always find it very tiring when you have to think about every stroke whether it was right or not. The more intuitive the movements become, the easier it is to put the drawing on paper. 🥰
And that's exactly why I need some time for each picture. Sometimes it's enough to finish one ear before it starts to "flow", sometimes I have to finish half the head first and there are days when it doesn't work at all. But I don't want to let that unsettle me at all. ☺️